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Employee Transportation Coordinator Support
Many companies utilize an ETC to manage and comply with air quality and trip reduction regulations by South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) or local city ordinances. Metro Shared Mobility provides assistance to employers for Average Vehicle Ridership (AVR) reports, ridematching, and marketing workshops for all ETCs at no cost.
AVR Surveying and Reporting
SCAQMD and local cities set AVR targets ranging from 1.30 to 2.2 (Santa Monica) for employers. These regulators require companies in their region to survey employees annually and calculate their worksite’s AVR. Metro Shared Mobility helps provides assistance with the survey process and offers ETC Briefing Sessions. Metro also collects the survey data, and prepares required AVR reports.
ETC Briefing Sessions
Employers that are interested in learning more about Metro’s Average Vehicle Ridership (AVR) survey process, Employee Transportation Coordinators (ETC) can register to attend a free ETC Briefing Session. During this training ETCs will learn about the various rideshare services and programs available to employers located in LA County. ETC Briefing Sessions are held monthly and conducted online via Zoom – please see registration form link
for a list of available dates/times.
Please click here to complete the online ETC Briefing registration form.
If you are a new ETC or surveying for the first time with Metro you must attend an ETC Briefing Session. Experienced ETCs who have previously surveyed with Metro can also attend these Briefing Sessions to catch up on the latest changes to the AVR survey process.
For additional information, please contact your TDM Consultant at 213.922.2811 or email CommuterOptions@metro.net.
Rideshare Week
Thank you for participating in our Drive Less, Save More 2023 Rideshare Week campaign! We had 2,160 commuters log their rideshare trip on the ridematch.info Commute Calendar. Those lucky commuters were eligible for prizes and passes donated by our Rideshare Week sponsors, and included transit passes, wireless headphones, dozens of gift cards, tote bags filled with tech goodies, and more! 54,488 vehicle trips were reduced by our Rideshare Week participants – a record!
Click here for a list of all of the great prizes, sponsors, and list of winners!
Mark your calendar for Rideshare Week 2024, that will take place on October 7 – 11, 2024.
Online Access to AVR Data
AVR reports and employee survey data is available to ETCs online and is a useful tool to increase ridesharing. ETCs have access to a secure portal with information to coordinate carpool, vanpool and transit opportunities for employees. ETC Portal Training is held monthly to learn how-to make the most of your AVR data and use the tools available in ridematch.info. Contact Metro Shared Mobility at 213.922.2811 or Commuteroptions@metro.net.
RideGuides and Ridematch.info
It’s important to encourage your employees to say “Yes to the RideGuide!” when filling out their AVR survey form. This provides employees with a profile on Ridematch.info and includes a personalized list of potential carpool, vanpool , and transit options that are available for their commute. Contact Metro Shared Mobility at 213.922.2811 or email Commuteroptions@metro.net to learn more.
ETC Marketing Workshop
SCAQMD and other local cities may require attendance at a Marketing Workshop as one of the strategies in their trip reduction program. Metro Shared Mobility offers these FREE workshops on a biannual basis. They are held at Metro Headquarters in Los Angeles or online. The workshops are designed to broaden the ability of ETCs to market shared mobility programs to their employees.
Worksites with 250 or more employees must comply with SCAQMD’s Rule 2202 by choosing to implement an Employee Commute Reduction Program (ECRP) also known as a rideshare program. The purpose of Rule 2202 is to provide employers with a menu of options to reduce emissions generated from employee commutes and to comply with federal and state Clean Air Act requirements. To learn more, visit aqmd.gov/home/programs/business/training-2202-etc
SCAQMD Rule 2202 ETC Training
Worksites that select the ECRP compliance option are required to have a designated onsite ETC and complete a one-time certified training course with SCAQMD. For more details, email etctraining@aqmd.gov or call 909.396-3309.
Check out the latest rideshare news for SoCal Employee Transportation Coordinators and Commuters.
Employee Transportation Coordinators
Contact Us
Commuters, ETCs and employers that are interested in learning more about Shared Mobility programs that can fit their needs are encouraged to email CommuterOptions@metro.net or call 213.922.2811.