626 Open Streets
Modeled after the thousands of other "open streets" or "ciclovia" events that have been organized around the world and across the United States, 626 Golden Streets temporarily opens stretches of roadway […]
Modeled after the thousands of other "open streets" or "ciclovia" events that have been organized around the world and across the United States, 626 Golden Streets temporarily opens stretches of roadway […]
Join us to sign up and tap into savings. We’ve made it easier to participate in Metro’s LIFE Program, which offers deep discounts for low-income riders. Sign up now and […]
Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone. Click here to join the meeting Phone: +1 (213) 279-1001 Conference ID: 104 938 467# TAC Agenda ATP & CTC […]
Lunch with Us Webinar: Sections 1, 2, and 3 Construction Update This lunchtime webinar is for stakeholders interested in Metro Purple Line Extension construction for Sections 1, 2, and 3. […]
Metro has a plan for a better drive on the 10. This plan includes improved mobility with efforts like the I-10 ExpressLanes Extension Project. Please join us to learn more about this proposed project to extend existing ExpressLanes on the Interstate 10 Freeway further east.
Please join the Public Safety Advisory Committee (PSAC) for a virtual online meeting. To join on Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82876863804 For access by telephone: +1(669)900-9128 Meeting ID: 828 7686 3804 Agenda
Metro is conducting a pre-environmental community engagement program for the Vermont Transit Corridor Project in partnership with Community-Based Organizations.
Due to the COVID-19 Safer at Home orders, all Regional Service Council Meetings have been moved online until further notice. Public participation is welcomed and encouraged. The San Fernando Valley […]
Join us to sign up and tap into savings. We’ve made it easier to participate in Metro’s LIFE Program, which offers deep discounts for low-income riders. Sign up now and […]
Metro has a plan for a better drive on the 10. This plan includes improved mobility with efforts like the I-10 ExpressLanes Extension Project. Please join us to learn more about this proposed project to extend existing ExpressLanes on the Interstate 10 Freeway further east.
Rediscover Westwood Village by bike at the First Thursdays block party! The Metro Bike Share team will be inside the main event space directly behind Broxton & Weyburn on Thursday […]
MEETING AGENDA Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83688598533?pwd=Ty9td0NsUlAwQURVNzE3WFNhaEtoUT09 Meeting ID: 836 8859 8533 Passcode: 598294 One tap mobile +16699009128,,83688598533#,,,,*598294# US (San Jose) +13462487799,,83688598533#,,,,*598294# US (Houston)