Construction Committee
Virtual Meeting CA, United StatesVirtual -
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The reinitiated environmental process will include the development of a Recirculated Draft Environmental Impact Report (under CEQA) to update the 2014 Draft EIS/EIR. This process includes advanced conceptual engineering, environmental analysis and ongoing outreach efforts. We anticipate releasing a Recirculated Draft EIR for public review in 2022. Join Metro for virtual meetings in March to […]
Join Metro’s On the Move Riders Program and Cyber Seniors for a series of webinars covering the TAP LA App. In this session, iPhone and Android users will learn how to plan a trip and view bus and train arrivals. The TAP LA App allows riders to tap and pay for transit in greater LA; […]
Metro and Caltrans are developing strategies for improving the I-710 South Corridor between its terminus in Long Beach and SR-60 in East Los Angeles. In planning for future projects and programs along this important corridor, Metro and Caltrans are seeking input from community members regarding your priorities for mobility and livability, among other aspects. Understanding […]
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Please join On the Move Riders Program on Friday March 25, 2022 from 10 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. for their virtual Older Adult Transportation Pop-Up event focusing on the San Fernando Valley region of LA County. OTMRP is excited to host two special guest speakers for this year's event. Our first speaker is Jennifer Vides from Metrolink. Metrolink is Southern California's regional passenger rail system. Jennifer […]
The Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority's Public Liability Claims Committee does not have a meeting agenda for Monday, March 28, 2022. The next meeting is scheduled for Monday, April 11, 2022. Please check back for agenda posting.
Help us shape our budget. Tell us your Metro priorities for Fiscal Year 2023. Our intent to receive your comments with an equitable, transparent and comprehensive process where everyone’s voice matters. Participants can register in advance for Metro’s Telephone Town Hall meeting at Alternately, the public may also join the meeting using the following phone numbers (please […]
You're invited to a virtual Community Meeting on Metro's Active Transportation Strategic Plan (ATSP) Update. The ATSP Update process aims to engage local communities, stakeholders and public agencies to encourage and create a better environment for active transportation opportunities across LA County.
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