Regular Ride
Senior 62+ / Medicare / Customer with Disability
$.75 peak
$.35 off-peak
K-12 and Community College Students
Free with GoPass
Low Income (LIFE)
20 Free rides/mo

I-10 ExpressLanes Extension Public Scoping Meeting #1

Virtual Meeting CA, United States

Metro has a plan for a better drive on the 10. This plan includes improved mobility with efforts like the I-10 ExpressLanes Extension Project. Please join us to learn more about this proposed project to extend existing ExpressLanes on the Interstate 10 Freeway further east.

LIFE Program Sign-up Event in Lancaster

Owen Memorial Park-Transit Center 43011 10th St W, Lancaster, CA, United States

Join us to sign up and tap into savings. We’ve made it easier to participate in Metro’s LIFE Program, which offers deep discounts for low-income riders. Sign up now and […]

I-10 ExpressLanes Extension Public Scoping Meeting #2

Virtual Meeting CA, United States

Metro has a plan for a better drive on the 10. This plan includes improved mobility with efforts like the I-10 ExpressLanes Extension Project. Please join us to learn more about this proposed project to extend existing ExpressLanes on the Interstate 10 Freeway further east.

First Thursdays at Westwood Village

Rediscover Westwood Village by bike at the First Thursdays block party! The Metro Bike Share team will be inside the main event space directly behind Broxton & Weyburn on Thursday […]

MTA/ATU Health and Welfare Board

Virtual Meeting CA, United States

MEETING AGENDA Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83688598533?pwd=Ty9td0NsUlAwQURVNzE3WFNhaEtoUT09 Meeting ID: 836 8859 8533 Passcode: 598294 One tap mobile +16699009128,,83688598533#,,,,*598294# US (San Jose) +13462487799,,83688598533#,,,,*598294# US (Houston)

Experience the El Monte Emerald Necklace presented by BEST

Join ActiveSGV for a morning roll along one of the most historic stretches of the Rio Hondo River as part of the Emerald Necklace, presented by Metro’s Bicycle Education Safety Training (BEST) Program. The […]

Vermont Transit Corridor’s Community Listening Session

Ward African Methodist Episcopal Church 1177 W 25th Street, Los Angeles, CA, United States

The Community Listening Sessions feature interactive activities designed to present information and receive feedback on your vision for the Vermont Transit Corridor that extends between Hollywood Bl (on the north) and 120th St (on the south).

I-10 ExpressLanes Extension Public Scoping Meeting #3

Virtual Meeting CA, United States

Metro has a plan for a better drive on the 10. This plan includes improved mobility with efforts like the I-10 ExpressLanes Extension Project. Please join us to learn more about this proposed project to extend existing ExpressLanes on the Interstate 10 Freeway further east.

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