Regular Ride
Senior 62+ / Medicare / Customer with Disability
$.75 peak
$.35 off-peak
K-12 and Community College Students
Free with GoPass
Low Income (LIFE)
20 Free rides/mo

G Line Improvements Project Community Meeting

Marvin Braude Constituent Center 6262 Van Nuys, Van Nuys, CA, United States

Join us!  The G Line (Orange) Improvements Project will bring upgrades to the existing line with grade separations on major streets, better signal priority technology, electronic bus connectivity, a four-quadrant gating system for a faster trip, and bike path improvements.  Please join us at our upcoming community meeting to receive the latest updates on the […]

Sepulveda Transit Corridor – Spring Community Meeting

Marvin Braude Constituent Center 6262 Van Nuys, Van Nuys, CA, United States

Metro has a plan to make it easier to get around. The natural barrier created by the Santa Monica Mountains makes traveling between the Valley and the Westside complex and challenging – and will require innovation and multiple solutions. Metro is working to evaluate alternatives for a high-quality, reliable transit service option connecting the San […]

Sepulveda Combined Project Fall Meetings (STC/TRS/I-405 EL) #2

Marvin Braude Constituent Center 6262 Van Nuys, Van Nuys, CA, United States

Metro is pursuing three projects that offer a comprehensive, multimodal approach to address travel in the Sepulveda Pass and mountain range. The Traffic Reduction Study, Sepulveda Transit Corridor, and I-405 Sepulveda Pass ExpressLanes Projects are each under study and have timely information to share with stakeholders who live near and travel through the area. Please […]

Sepulveda Transit Corridor Project Community Open House #1 (In-Person)

Marvin Braude Constituent Center 6262 Van Nuys, Van Nuys, CA, United States

Metro invites you to attend our upcoming Community Open House to learn more about the project. The open house will focus on potential station locations and how to access this future rail line. The open house also includes opportunities for the public to engage and ask questions of Metro staff and the Pre-Development Agreement (PDA) […]

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